For me, procrastination is an _advanced step_ along the line towards getting something done. I spend a lot of my time "not even procrastinating" - i.e., not even willing to consider doing that which needs to be done. Once I'm up to the stage of procrastinating, there's hope that I might do the thing.

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Here from RadReads. Thank you!

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Insightful. I wonder about the relationship, if any, between procrastination and laziness. If procrastination “happens when you don’t want to do the thing... or you want to not do the thing," what is laziness? It seems like it could also fit that definition. I’m thinking there are factors of awareness in matters of importance (if you say you’re being lazy, like laying on the couch when you know your taxes are due in a day or so, do you really mean you’re just procrastinating?) or simply human levels of caring (if your roof is falling in and you know you just need to call someone to fix it or throw a tarp over it to keep water out for a small fix and you don’t, and meanwhile your kids trying to sleep in a rainstorm, is that laziness?). Part of me wants to know the difference because I want to be able to see my own patterns of behavior accurately. And also diagnose those of my children accurately. Which is probably impossible, but that’s sort of like washing dishes--it still needs to be done. :)

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"Need for food falls under the heading of maintenance, not problems, which means that the need for cooking can never actually be solved."

Now I'm very curious about how big a freezer you'd need to store enough batch-cooked food that you'd never need to cook again...

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Jul 16, 2023·edited Jul 17, 2023

"Procrastination happens when you don’t want to do the thing (e.g. it doesn’t seem appealing, or it seems less important than other things you could be doing) or you want to not do the thing (e.g. it’s scary, it seems boring, you don’t feel able to do it)."

I don't want to hit my head against a wall, because it seems painful. That isn't procrastination, but it checks the box for both clauses.

Could it be rephrased: "Procrastination happens when you want something done, but don't want to do what it takes to make it happen."

If procrastination is a unconscious process, but I say that I'm procrastinating about x does that mean I'm not procrastinating?

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The only real cure for procrastination is to align your values and energy across time spans with the goals you really want to accomplish. Who ever procrastinated in running from a bear?

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